Boost Your Health.
Alchemy Energy Attunement
Transform your health, transform your life with this seventh dimensional frequency healing and ascension modality that supports your journey of self-mastery. It is a form of energetic healing and is beneficial for anyone looking to clear old patterns, behaviours and imbalances within their energy system. If you are someone who wants to embrace opportunities to reset thought patterns, upgrade your mindset and be supported to live your best life, this high level frequency and alchemical attunement is for you.
Boost your health, release the past and upgrade your mindset with an Alchemy Energy Attunement during these challenging times. Humanity is currently, going through a paradigm shift. Many people are feeling it and are seeking support to transform their life. An Alchemy Energy Attunement creates a powerful opportunity to clear any past pain, or physical symptoms showing up in your body and emotions and will support you in making those much needed changes in your life.
This relaxing healing will bring all of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy into alignment bringing peace, balance and harmony. It allows an infusion of powerful healing frequencies, which will upgrade your DNA and Lightbody, bringing your personal blueprint back into alignment.
When you feel physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually depleted, perhaps, you feel you are lost from yourself, or even when you are not owning your power, an Alchemy Energy Attunement is the perfect way to bring healing to your body, mind, emotions and spirit.
It is a high-level frequency healing that raises your vibration, so you may create changes in your life with ease and grace. It helps to release negative thoughts and patterns, clears past karma, heals your energy and any other symptoms while also, bringing powerful healing to your soul. This is a relaxing way to physically and energetically, detox, so you may function at a high level, as it helps to raise your consciousness giving you access to pure power,
Unlock the insight of co-creation and healing. When you experience a healing session, it is a chance for rapid growth where you are able to raise your vibration, stepping more into your power, and allowing you to align more deeply with your Higher Self.
These powerful alchemical frequencies are very pure, bringing healing to the lead of the past, so you may experience the gold of the present and envision your future more clearly. Allowing yourself to receive this beautifully, powerful attunement will help release those core limitations that have been holding you back, so you may step into your true self with authenticity, courage and and grace.
- You want to improve your immune systems and overall health quickly.
- You want to create more positive thoughts in your mind, so you can experience health and wellness on all levels.
- You are feeling stuck and wish to release blocks and limitations to creating abundance and success in your life.
- You’re struggling with limiting beliefs and blocks from your family of origin that are holding you back from living the life you deserve.
- You’re feeling lost or disconnected and you would like to reconnect to your soul and the things you love and make you happy.
- You are transitioning through personal challenges or important life changes and need support navigating fears, or other emotions that you are unsure how to cope with.
- You would like to be supported energetically, when starting a new career, the birth of child, to be a better parent to your children, support the new you, move out of relationship, or you wish to express more of your creativity through a new project.
- You want to clear past karma and pain within your original blueprint, so you may function at an optimal level of health and wellness.
- You want to experience more health and wellness through a deeper connection to your higher self to increase your self-esteem and confidence.
- You are feeling unwell on some level, or are experiencing physical symptoms and you need extra support at this time.
- You are experiencing any of the physical symptoms mentioned below (in the FAQ section) that are making life difficult.
- You have a loved one who is unwell and you are supporting them and it is causing you stress and taking a toll on your health.
- Alchemy Energy Attunement, which incorporates a full Fundamental & Advanced Transference Healing session – up to 90 mins.
- This alchemy healing will help to release core physical and emotional symptoms and release blocks that you may be experiencing at this time.
- Initiation of alchemy within your consciousness, upgrading your energy and physical body that will shift past pain and patterning to lift your vibration and consciousness into a higher state of being.
- Receive a divine infusion of alchemical healing frequencies to upgrade your DNA, activating your Lightbody and creating a higher vibration with a blessing from the Universe.
- A channelled reading that outlines the healing that takes place, so you can gain more awareness of the situations playing out in your life, as well as any messages relevant for your personal and spiritual growth.
- Bookings are available immediately, for in person 1:1 or remotely, from the comfort of your own home.
- Both options work equally, as well.
- $197 USD
(For people living in Australia, please email for discount code to pay AUD).
- If you’d like to have an Alchemy Attunement, and you’re not sure if it’s right for you, or if it will work, we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
How It Works
1. Schedule a Time.
To schedule your Alchemy Energy Attunement, choose the time and date that suits you below.
2. Pay on the Day.
You’ll receive a link before your session to pay online.
3. Receive a Reading.
You’ll receive a Channelled & Intuitive Reading, either by zoom or in audio format by email, once the Alchemy Energy Attunement has been completed.
What is Transference Healing?
Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional frequency-healing and ascension modality that is multidimensional, comprehensive and advanced. It works with the resources of frequency, light and matter (elements) to initiate and support ‘transference’, a shift from one state of being into another.
Transference Healing® is a self-healing tool that seeks to empower you to work with the very depths of your human anatomy, consciousness and spiritual being. It unifies ancient healing traditions with unique lightbody (electromagnetic) healing procedures channelled by the Founder, Alexis Cartwright, creating an intricate and profoundly effective form of healing that is vital to the evolutionary expansion of, which the human body, consciousness and the planet are undergoing at this time.
Receiving regular Transference Healing® sessions, or learning to perform them yourself, enables you to achieve and sustain a consistent level of health and wellness, while also connecting you to the complexity of your divine and inner nature. It’s a healing of hope, light and love, enhancing spiritual awakening and reconnection, so you can return to a state of oneness with the omniverse and the God/Goddess.
Alexis Cartwright is the anchor, channel and founder of the Transference Healing® modality.
Why is Frequency Healing Necessary?
Transference Healing® is unique in that it not only works with ENERGY, but also FREQUENCY. Frequency healing unifies and weaves the subtle properties of crystal, pranic and energetic elements that are sustained within nature and the elements of the Earth’s realm with that of the stellar, electromagnetic and magnetic properties that are sustained within the elements of the cosmic realms. It is an interdimensional form of healing. It is by working with frequency, and by channelling light into the body, that we initiate profound healing and awaken higher consciousness. We integrate with our lightbody and Higher Self, and come to live a multidimensional existence of a higher frequency, reality and consciousness.
Health will be the final frontier of our ascension journey. Self-healing is absolutely vital to our awakening and enlightenment throughout the New Age; it is the first step to self-mastery. It is by working with frequency healing that we create a direct connection to the Universe, enabling us to absorb its divine technology, and ascend.
Transference Healing does not diagnose a condition by analysing the symptoms of disease. It looks deep within the etheric patterning of the body and reads it with psychic perception. By tapping into these inner dimensions of your body and consciousness, your Transference Healing Practitioner gains insight into your healing and ascension journey. They are able to then, channel the universal resources necessary to facilitate a divinely orchestrated healing – one that is specific to your own enlightenment process.
Transference Healing incorporates many procedures, templates and essences that filter new codes, frequencies and elements into the etheric body. It also works with the electromagnetic and magnetic fields of the body. All disease manifests from weakness in the etheric and/or electromagnetic fields, which, over time, impacts the physical. When you work with the etheric body and these magnetic frequencies and fields, you will – unrestricted by time and space – reach deep into different levels of vibrational density.
This orchestrates healing on the cellular level of the body, so all dimensions of the anatomy can heal themselves. When combined with the guidance and insight that you receive during a Transference healing, a powerful healing impact occurs.
The ‘source’ of trauma and pain can be removed from the etheric and electromagnetic levels of the body without physical intervention. The physical body responds quickly and with ease, preventatively caring against illness. When you self-heal, (through enlightened intent), you are working on the energetic and alchemical makeup of the body. You are also working with emotional and mental consciousness. Because the mind and body are intricately connected on a cellular level, the interdimensional healing method of Transference Healing® initiates healing, transformation and change in the mind and emotions, as well as the body. With each healing, you undergo a shift in consciousness.
Common Symptoms Affecting Your Health?
To achieve and maintain wellness, we need to regularly clear, realign, recode and balance all of our energetic bodies and also work with supporting the anchoring and integration of the Lightbody system.
Lightbody symptoms manifest when a shift in consciousness occurs, and when we undergo alchemical changes initiated by the decoding of illness, trauma and pain. The more severe the symptoms, the bigger the clearing process that is needed and the more important it is that we release old patterning that holds us back.
‘The Lightbody is a body that sustains higher frequencies of elements and light on a sub-atomic level. It exhibits superluminal emanations that are crystalline and ethereal in nature. Sustained within a 6th dimensional holographic matrix, it is of a higher evolutionary state of manifestation’.” ~ Alexis Cartwright
When you start a process of clearing and upgrading your mindset and consciousness (which Transference Healing supports), you will begin to anchor more aspects of your Lightbody (or true self), this allows your physical or human self to hold and sustain a higher consciousness (more Light) and allows you to manifest your true self and empower a more positive reality.
Transference Healing® works with the following common lightbody symptoms:
- Respiratory discomfort, tightness in the lungs, asthma, flu-like symptoms, hay fever, colds, runny noses and sneezing for up to twenty-four hours.
- Inflammation or aching of bones & joints.
- Headaches or migraines that are not alleviated by painkillers.
- Immune & lymphatic system changes.
- Dizziness, ringing in the ears and coordination imbalances.
- Throat inflammation and inner ear imbalances, affecting concentration and our ability to absorb knowledge. These symptoms are often misdiagnosed as learning disabilities.
- Heart palpitations.
- Hypersensitivity.
- Lack of circulation, loss of muscular power and brief periods of weakness.
- Tingling in the arms, hands, legs and feet.
- Hormonal imbalances.
- Skin irritations.
- Feelings of déjà vu.
- Intense fear of separation and loss.
- Short periods of tiredness.
- Occasional diarrhoea.
- Mood swings, anxiety and bouts of short-term depression.
- Strange symptomatic pain, especially through the back and central vertebrae.
- Intense dreams, odd sleeping patterns and night sweats.
- Vagueness in the head and an empty feeling in the stomach.
- A sensitivity to temperature; extreme heat, followed by extreme cold.
- Memory loss.
- Sensitive hearing caused by a clairaudient opening, which can include the hearing of voices and strange sounds. This sensitivity can occur suddenly, stressing the nervous system and causing anxiety.
- Seeing shadows or a presence that is not there. This can sometimes feel as though the mind is weakening.
- Frightening and overwhelming emotions that require urgent understanding, grounding and balancing.
- Visions of past lives.
- Fluctuating eyesight.
- Feelings of disassociation and alienation, similar to mild autistic symptoms.
What Will I Experience During a Healing?
Your Transference Healing Practitioner will channel natural healing frequencies into your body while intuitively identifying the underlying cause/s of any illness or imbalances, applying specific Transference Healing procedures relevant to your needs. An intuitive ‘reading’ will be given to you at the end of each session, supported by divination tools within the procedures.
Your Transference Healing Practitioner will also create a therapeutic essence from the Transference Healing Lightbody Kit that you can take away with you, to further support your integration and assist you to hold the healing changes that occur within your body. The healing process does not end at the completion of the session – you will continue to integrate these changes for up to three weeks after the healing, from which new levels of wellness and personal growth can be embodied. As Transference Healing works on an etheric level, there is no need for physical contact during the session, which makes remote or absentee healings just as effective.
After you receive a Transference healing, you usually undergo an integration process. During this time you can experience a radical internal and alchemical healing that can be so profound it feels almost magical. Symbolically, it is like being taken into the womb of the Earth where you are internally nourished and supported to grow. During this three week period, we may become ‘altered’, feel mild symptomatic pain releasing as you purify, undergo a subtle identity shift, or have long-standing issues resolve themselves. You can also feel spiritual intervention in your life, giving you the faith to let go of negative patterning, defence mechanisms, and the need for control; surrender. When this integration is complete, you feel refreshed, reborn and rejuvenated. As you embody new aspects, passion and potential surfaces.
A full session, utilises both the Fundamental (alchemical) and Advanced (lightbody) procedures goes for approximately, 90 mins. It is suitable for the support of all ages, conditions, illnesses or needs regarding healing, personal growth and spiritual empowerment. At this time of great change, it is recommended that everyone has a full Advanced Level Transference Healing® session every six weeks until they are mastering more in all aspects of life, from health to the dynamics of their personal reality. For those who are struggling with their health, wellbeing or ascension process, weekly or fortnightly healings are recommended until balance is achieved, after which you can return to healings every six weeks, or as needed.
Lisa-Maree is a Registered & Certified Transference Healing® Practitioner.
How Do I Prepare?
An Alchemy Attunement session is a beautiful opportunity to take time out from your daily activities to relax and rejuvenate. At the time of your healing, you may choose to either lie down in a quiet, relaxing place or, go about your day, as usual. It is recommended to create time out of your day to receive your distance healing. If that isn’t possible, then, make sure you are not driving, using gadgets or heavy machinery. Do turn your phone off, so you’re not disturbed and let others around you know that you are in an appointment. Allowing yourself to be open to these beautiful divine healing frequencies is sending a powerful message to the universe that you are taking care of yourself, as well as committing to your personal healing journey. An Alchemy Attunement includes a full Fundamentals & Advanced Healing and takes up to 90 minutes.
How Does Distance Healing Work?
An Alchemy Energy Healing Session can be conducted by distance and is equally as effective, as in person. This is largely, due to the fact that we are spiritual energy beings. With that in mind, we are able to receive a healing in this way, as we are able to transcend the boundaries of time and space effectively and receive the healing that is offered.
Once your healing has been completed, we will have a video call to discuss any aspects of the healing that came forward. You will also receive a recording of what took place and any in-depth guidance provided.
![Photo - Lisa-Maree (Circle) (2024)](
About Lisa-Maree
Lisa-Maree is a Mindset Coach, Money Mentor, Art Psychotherapist & Certified Transference Healing Practitioner & Teacher who works with transformational therapies to restore inner peace, clear past patterns and support healing at a higher frequency level. She specialises in money mindset, intergenerational trauma, life transitions, increasing self-esteem and setting healthy boundaries. Lisa-Maree works with clients 1:1 and is also, a Transformational Group Facilitator inspiring others to overcome challenging situations and shine their light. She is passionate about supporting people to create a lifestyle where they have the freedom to create their best life, so they can flourish.